Organic Annual Nettle


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Yes you need to handle with gloves, but that is the only downside to this mineral-laden super-food. Plant in fall or early spring for cut-and-come-again harvest until hot weather. Add to stir-fries, steam like spinach, make nesto (substitute for basil in any pesto recipe), dry for calcium-rich tea, infuse in vodka for cool green martinis with a health kick. Our strain has especially tender leaves.

This nettle is not the same as the common wild perennial version. It reseeds readily in situations that suit it, but is not invasive. The whole plant remains tender, so that even the stems can be eaten. In our northern California location it emerges in early spring and is gone by early June when the temperatures heat up.

Latin name: Urtica Urens
Approx. 200 seeds per packet
Grown in Potter Valley, Mendocino County, California
Certified Organic by CCOF
Open-pollinated, non-GMO

Reviews (6)


Super excited for nettles! I am a nettle fanatic but didn’t realize there were multiple types. Eagerly awaiting my little guys to establish themselves!

Seeds arrived good condition. Hopefully, will be starting these soon.

Careful nd thoughtful delivery and sprouting!!

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