Organic Isis Candy Cherry Tomato


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A tomato named for a goddess had better be good, and Isis Candy comes through with a rich fruity sweetness that has won many a taste test. One- inch cherry tomatoes are borne in loose clusters on indeterminate vines. Their color is a marbled mix of rosy red and gold inside and out, often with a gold starburst at the blossom end. Fruits have a tendency to crack if it rains.

Approx. 40 seeds per packet
Grown in Potter Valley, Mendocino County, California
Certified Organic by CCOF
Open-pollinated, non-GMO

Reviews (5)


Lovely packaging, must see to appreciate. Great seller! Excellent customer service.

They sprouted fine and are now under the grow light for another week or so before they go outside. Doing well so far

thanks, two three four five

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